

レクセドの層 http://wpedia.goo.ne.jp/wiki/%E3%83%AC%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BB%E3%83%89%E3%81%AE%E5%B1%A4


レクセドの層( - そう、Rexed laminae)は、脊髄灰白質の分類のひとつ。灰白質を10層に分類する方法で、1950年代初頭にネコの脊髄の研究を行ったスウェーデンの神経解剖学者ブロール・レクセドによって提唱された[1][2]。




第I - VI層







ともに内側、外側にさらに分けられる。第V層の外側は網様核とも呼ばれ、頸髄で発達している。第VI層は第四胸髄から第二腰髄までの髄節には見られない。ただしヒトでは、第V層と第VI層はほとんど細胞学的に変わらないため、第V - VI層と一括して扱われることもある。上述のように第V層は脊髄視床路を形成する[6][7][8]。頸膨大の第VI層は中央基底核と呼ばれる。第VI層には脊髄小脳路の二次ニューロンの神経細胞体がある。

第VII - IX層






体性運動ニューロンの細胞体からなる。胸髄では前角の腹内側にあるに過ぎないが、頸膨大と腰膨大では細胞数も多く大きな範囲を占める。大きな細胞体をもつ細胞と小さなそれのものがある。大きな細胞体の神経ははα運動ニューロンと呼ばれる。α運動ニューロンは皮質脊髄路の二次ニューロンで、前角の外側にあるものほど遠位の筋を、内側のものは近位の筋を支配している。また屈筋を支配する細胞は前角の背側に、伸筋を支配するものは腹側に存在する。小さな方はγ運動ニューロンであり、α運動ニューロンの間に散在している。γ運動ニューロンは筋紡錘の収縮を支配しており、筋緊張の維持に関わる。それ以外にも多くの介在ニューロンが存在しているが、有名なものにレンショウ細胞がある。1940年代初頭にバージー・レンショウ (Birdsey Renshaw) が発見し、α運動ニューロンの側副線維からの投射を受け、隣接する他の運動ニューロンに抑制的に働くという負のフィードバックの機能を持つ。この現象は反回抑制と呼ばれる[10]。



A theory of acupuncture, spinal cord, and endorphins

Brain-Body-Mind, Endorphins ? Tags: acupuncture, brain reward system, Endorphins, reflex, theories, therapy ? 7:26 am


The best of the few known conventional theories on acupuncture belongs to a team of theoretical biologists working under Dr. Dmitri Chernavski, a professor at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics, in Moscow. The group approached the problem from the point of view of concept of neurocomputing. Since mid-century, using a model based on human neural structures, a whole new class of computers, possessing so called ” artificial intelligence”, has been developed ? the ones that can learn, recognize objects, and correct their own mistakes. In somewhat of a paradox, the reverse logic has been used now, in order to explain the mechanisms of a live brain using the known electronic models. Thus the theory of self-diagnostic function of an organism was developed. Most of these self-diagnostic (recognizing the “image of a disease”) processes take place in the spinal cord. In the gray matter of the spinal cord, the neurons are organized into what are called “Rexed laminae” and their functions are well-known. The signals from the inner organs, as well as from the skin and muscles first go through the first lamina, separate from each other. Then the signals move through the second lamina, third one, and so on, while increasingly interacting with each other and, after ten laminae, finally reach the brain in the form of one integrated set of information about the body’s state of being. The computers that recognize objects have basically the same laminar structure and function of signal integration. In both cases, an omitted signal from an internal organ, or one that is not strong enough, will be compensated for by the other one (e.g. from the skin), thus correcting the mistake. According to Dr. Chernavski, skin stimulation at the point of acupuncture accomplishes the same goal. The process of integration in the Rexed laminae increases the flow of “signals of illness” from an organ, or points out a body’s mistake in recognizing the disorder. It is as if you wanted to send a letter to someone down the stream with little or no water using a miniature ship to carry it. Add some water, and the ship will get there. Neither the way of adding the water nor the water itself has any effect on the content of letter sent. Once the body has the stronger, clearer information about the injury or disease, the natural healing powers of the body take over. What happens when the disease is recognized, the above theory does not explain, stating that the body has enough resources to battle the disease on its own. Conventional medicine neglects that statement, while holistic medicine is based on it. Nevertheless, conventional medicine may be missing an opportunity in dismissing this explanation too quickly. Within the limits of the West’s strict paradigm, there has been collected a large number of facts on natural ways of fighting diseases. We offer to discuss one of the most universal mechanisms to restore body’s balance. It is known that a number of physical actions in excess of average intensity, including pain, stress, bleeding, acupuncture, sex, laughing, drugs and even highly palatable foods can trigger the release of endorphins (Fig. 5). Pain reduction , in it’s turn, is the most common result associated with the release of endorphins. It has been concluded recently, that any intense skin stimulation will cause a significant release of endorphins. Another effect is the curious state the body falls into after the endorphin concentration has gone up: a number of other physiological regulators are released into the bloodstream such as growth hormone and insulin. Each one of those regulators changes a number of different body functions. As a result, it is not surprising that many serious diseases are linked to the abnormalities in the endorphin system including may kinds of addiction, schizophrenia, epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease as well as PMS and weight problems. We believe that there may be some linkage between abnormalities in the endorphin system and various conditions such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and may kinds of addiction.Thus, skin stimulation, even not necessarily as accurate as in acupuncture, but intensive enough, does two things:1. Provides additional information on the nature of the disorder to the body’s self-diagnostic system2. Helps to create a new physiological state which is more adequate and favorable to the healing process

Read also Brain rewards, endorphins

The best of the few known conventional theories on acupuncture belongs to a team of theoretical biologists working under Dr. Dmitri Chernavski, an academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics, in Moscow. The group approached the problem from the point of view of concept of neurocomputing.

Since mid-century, using a model based on human neural structures, a whole new class of computers, possessing so called ” artificial intelligence”, has been developed ? the ones that can learn, recognize objects, and correct their own mistakes. In somewhat of a paradox, the reverse logic has been used now, in order to explain the mechanisms of a live brain using the known electronic models. Thus the theory of self-diagnostic function of an organism was developed. Most of these self-diagnostic (recognizing the “image of a disease”) processes take place in the spinal cord. In the gray matter of the spinal cord, the neurons are organized into what are called “Rexed laminae” and their functions are well-known.

The signals from the inner organs, as well as from the skin and muscles first go through the first lamina, separate from each other. Then the signals move through the second lamina, third one, and so on, while increasingly interacting with each other and, after ten laminae, finally reach the brain in the form of one integrated set of information about the body’s state of being. The computers that recognize objects have basically the same laminar structure and function of signal integration. In both cases, an omitted signal from an internal organ, or one that is not strong enough, will be compensated for by the other one (e.g. from the skin), thus correcting the mistake.

According to Dr. Chernavski, skin stimulation at the point of acupuncture accomplishes the same goal. The process of integration in the Rexed laminae increases the flow of “signals of illness” from an organ, or points out a body’s mistake in recognizing the disorder. It is as if you wanted to send a letter to someone down the stream with little or no water using a miniature ship to carry it. Add some water, and the ship will get there. Neither the way of adding the water nor the water itself has any effect on the content of letter sent.

Once the body has the stronger, clearer information about the injury or disease, the natural healing powers of the body take over. What happens when the disease is recognized, the above theory does not explain, stating that the body has enough resources to battle the disease on its own. Conventional medicine neglects that statement, while holistic medicine is based on it.

Nevertheless, conventional medicine may be missing an opportunity in dismissing this explanation too quickly. Within the limits of the West’s strict paradigm, there has been collected a large number of facts on natural ways of fighting diseases. We offer to discuss one of the most universal mechanisms to restore body’s balance.

It is known that a number of physical actions in excess of average intensity, including pain, stress, bleeding, acupuncture, sex, laughing, drugs and even highly palatable foods can trigger the release of endorphins (Fig. 5). Pain reduction , in it’s turn, is the most common result associated with the release of endorphins. It has been concluded recently, that any intense skin stimulation will cause a significant release of endorphins.

Another effect is the curious state the body falls into after the endorphin concentration has gone up: a number of other physiological regulators are released into the bloodstream such as growth hormone and insulin. Each one of those regulators changes a number of different body functions. As a result, it is not surprising that many serious diseases are linked to the abnormalities in the endorphin system including may kinds of addiction, schizophrenia, epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease as well as PMS and weight problems. We believe that there may be some linkage between abnormalities in the endorphin system and various conditions such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and may kinds of addiction.

Thus, skin stimulation, even not necessarily as accurate as in acupuncture, but intensive enough, does two things:

1. Provides additional information on the nature of the disorder to the body’s self-diagnostic system

2. Helps to create a new physiological state which is more adequate and favorable to the healing process

From the book Reflexo-therapy From Kuznetsov’s Applicator to Shakti Mat